Giveaway? Who doesn't love a giveaway...Parenting Week #3

Several of my blog friends are doing giveaways.  I love giveaways.  I really love winning.  I think most people are the same way, but because I love giveaways, I also know it's hard to enter every giveaway that comes up in your Twitter feed.  Most of the time I'm checking into Twitter on my phone and there's no way to enter all of them from there.

Today I wanted to share a sermon from Willie George and Church on the Move.  Having grown up watching The Gospel Bill Show, I have long admired and respected Willie George's ministry and the impact that he has on the next generation.

Recently I was snooping on their church website (sometimes I do that), and came across this sermon that he had preached the previous weekend.  As I was watching, I quickly discovered that although this is specifically for parent's he had some encouraging information for people in any kind of authority.

Hope this message helps you because I know it inspired me. :)

In The Zone - Part 5 from Church on the Move on Vimeo.

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